Terms and Conditions

The use of www.jrrindia.com, any of its related website(s) or any of their pages (collectively the “JRRINDIA/JRR”), as well as for JRR INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS  (JRR) content whether digital, print or in any other medium, is governed by the terms and conditions found on this page (the “Terms and Conditions”). By accessing JRRINDIA Website and/or using any JRR content, you (hereinafter referred to as “You” or the “User”) acknowledge that You have fully read and understood, and agree to be bound by, these Terms and Conditions. You also acknowledge that You have fully read and understood the JRR Privacy Policy and agree to its terms. These Terms and Conditions, as well as the JRR Privacy Policy, may be updated from time to time at the discretion of the JRR and it is the User’s responsibility to periodically review and take into account any changes.

The JRR encourages the use of its data, publications and multimedia products (sound, image, software, etc.), collectively, the “Material”. Unless otherwise stated, the Material is the intellectual property of the JRR and protected by copyright or other similar rights. Some content in the Material may be owned by third parties. The User is responsible for verifying whether this is the case and, if so, securing the appropriate permissions from these third parties before using such content.

I. Use of Material

The User may neither represent nor imply that the JRR has participated in, approved, endorsed or otherwise supported his or her use or reproduction of the Material. The User may not claim any affiliation with the JRR. For information about use of the JRR name, trademark and logo.

(a) Reproduction and translation of the material  

 Except for content governed by specific terms or as may be otherwise indicated on the specific Material, the reproduction and translation of the Material is authorised for commercial and non-commercial purposes within established limits.

(b) Content governed by specific terms and conditions

Certain content is governed by specific terms and conditions. Please see below:

JRR Legal Instruments .

Official texts of JRR Legal Instruments in both JRR official language (English), as well as related information, are made available in the Compendium of JRR Legal Instruments at www.jrrindia.com.  JRR content may be found elsewhere, including on JRR websites, but You should always consult the Compendium, as it is the only source of the official and up do date texts and information.

You may reproduce and distribute individual JRR content  free of charge and without requesting any permissions, as long as You do not alter them in any way.  You may use excerpts of a Legal Instrument, as long as You ensure that the legal nature/integrity of the Instrument is preserved and the excerpt is not used out of context or provides incomplete information or otherwise mislead the reader as to the actual legal nature, scope or content of the content. JRR may not be sold but may be used in the context of commercial activities such as, for example, consulting or training services.

 (c) Data

The JRR data available for use and consultation by the public.  Data may be subject to restrictions beyond the scope of these Terms and Conditions, either because specific terms apply to those Data or because third parties may have ownership interests. It is the User’s responsibility to verify, either directly in the metadata or, if available, by clicking on the  icon and then referring to the “source” tab, whether the Data is fully or partially owned by third parties and/or whether additional restrictions may apply, and to contact the owner of the Data before incorporating it in your work in order to secure the necessary permissions. The JRR in no way represents or warrants that it owns or controls all rights in all Data, and the JRR will not be liable to any User for any claims brought against the User by third parties in connection with the use of any Data.

Permitted use

Except where additional restrictions apply as stated above, You can extract from, download, copy, adapt, print, distribute, share and embed Data for any purpose, even for commercial use. You must give appropriate credit to the JRR by using the citation associated with the relevant Data, or, if no specific citation is available,.

Availability of Data

The availability of the Data is contingent upon the availability of the JRR’s corresponding resources, whose capacity is subject to change at any time. The JRR may monitor your use of the Data and reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without limitation, to modify the amount of Data You may request in a single query, to modify the number of queries You may make over a specified time, to remove certain Data and to alter the file formats in which Data are available.

JRR Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

You may use one or more JRR-developed application programming interfaces (“APIs”) to facilitate access to the Data. APIs are made available on an “as-is” basis, and use of an API is at your own risk. In particular, but without limitation, the JRR disclaims all warranties as to an API’s compatibility with your hardware and software and accepts no liability for any damages or claims arising out of or in connection with your use of an API and/or the underlying Data accessed through an API. For the avoidance of doubt, the JRR accepts no obligation to provide technical, administrative or other support in connection with the APIs or for any other purpose. The JRR may decide to suspend or terminate the provision of the APIs and API-accessible Data at any time.

The JRR may release updated versions of the APIs from time to time and at its sole discretion. Once the JRR releases updated versions, previous APIs may no longer function properly, and You therefore agree, for each API, to use the most up-to-date version available. You agree not to modify, distribute, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or perform any similar action on the APIs or any of their portions or components.

The JRR reserves the right to limit or suspend any User’s IP address access to the APIs at any time and without notice for any reason, including if the JRR determines that You are using or are attempting to use the Data and/or the APIs in violation of these Terms and Conditions in such a way as to harm the JRR or any other party, or if You are placing too great a strain on the infrastructure necessary for making the Data available to a reasonable number of people. You agree not to use any technical means to interfere with the JRR’s monitoring of usage of the above-mentioned resources. The JRR reserves the right to use any technical means to overcome attempted technical interference with usage monitoring. Finally, the Data and the APIs will be unavailable from time to time, at the JRR’s sole discretion, for periodic maintenance.

As noted above, these Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time. By using an API, You agree to periodically review these Terms and Conditions, to take note of any changes thereto, and to adapt your usage of the API accordingly.

II. Communication and Messaging Facilities

You shall not do any of the following in any messaging or communication facilities that may be found on JRR Website:

defame, abuse, harass, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others;  publish, post, distribute or disseminate any defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful material;    upload or attach files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws unless You own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary permissions;  upload or attach files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer;   upload, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available unsolicited advertising of any goods or services, or conduct or forward surveys, contests, “spam” or chain letters; etc.                                                                

The JRR reserves the right to deny, at its sole discretion, any User’s IP address online access to the JRR Websites or any portion thereof without notice. You specifically acknowledge and agree that the JRR is not liable for any conduct of any other User, including, but not limited to, the types of conduct listed above.

III. Linking to the JRR Websites

In order to promote its work, and because linking is an essential aspect of the Internet, the JRR encourages You to include hyperlinks to the JRR Websites without having to ask prior permission, under the following conditions:

These hyperlinks must not:

infringe the JRR’s rights, in particular relating to its name, logo, acronym and intellectual property rights; be used for the promotion of an organisation or company, or of any commercial products or services. Consequently, if You link to an JRR Website, You must refrain from creating frames, or using other visual altering tools, around the JRR Website; once a link to an JRR Website has been created, it should be tested to ensure that it works and meets the above conditions.

IV. JRR Name, Trademark and Logo

JRR name, trademark and logo for authorship and endorsement.  As stated above, You may not claim any affiliation with the JRR. If You wish to use the JRR name, acronym, logo or other identifying symbol in a way that implies endorsement, partnership or authorship, You must obtain our written permission and agreement on how the name, acronym, logo or other identifying symbol will be used.

V. Disclaimers

THE MATERIAL AS WELL AS ANY OTHER INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE JRR ON THE JRRINDIA WEBSITES OR ON ANOTHER MEDIUM IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS. The JRR makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, the accuracy or completeness of the Material (including the Data). If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.

The JRR may add, change, improve, or update the Material without notice. The JRR reserves its exclusive right in its sole discretion to alter, limit or discontinue all or part of the JRR Websites and/or any Material. Under no circumstances shall the JRR be liable for any loss, damage, liability or expense suffered which is claimed to result from use of the JRR Websites or the Material, including without limitation, any fault, error, omission, interruption or delay. In particular, and without limitation, the JRR disclaims all guarantees as to the compatibility of the JRR Websites with any hardware, operating system, web browser, or other means of accessing the JRR Websites. Use of the Material or any JRR Website or any component thereof is at the User’s sole risk.

We make every effort to minimize disruption caused by technical errors. However, some Material on the JRRINDIA  Websites may have been created or structured in files or formats which are not error-free and it cannot be guaranteed that the JRR Websites will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. The JRR accepts no responsibility with regard to such problems (failure of performance, computer virus, communication line failure, alteration of content, etc.) incurred as a result of using the JRR Websites or any link to external sites.

The JRR Websites may contain advice, opinions and statements from external websites. Hyperlinks to non-JRR Internet sites do not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at these locations or guarantee the validity of the information provided. The sole purpose of links to other sites is to indicate further information available on related topics.

VI. Preservation of immunities

Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or a waiver of the privileges and immunities of the JRR or of any related body or entity, which are specifically reserved.


July 2024